Group management / Search screen

Groups are used to easily arrange characters together. It is often used to group the characters of a campaign together, or the NPCs together, etc.


Delete tagged groups: This option will do some fast cleaning, it will delete the groups and ALL THE CHARACTERS of the tagged groups. Use it with care.

Create a new group: This option creates a blank new group, to name your new group use the "modify name of the group" button.

The Left scroll list: All the groups of this Definition set will appear here. When you select a group in this list, all the corresponding characters of that group will appear in the right scroll list.

The right scroll list: This list contains all the characters that are part of the selected group. Click twice on a character to select it and return to the previous screen.

Delete tagged PC: Will delete all the characters you tagged, permanently.

Export and email tagged PC:  Exports the characters, and then zips them and launch your email client.

See export database content:  Lists all the characters currently in the exportation database.