Modifying the generator Engine - Randomizer


This screen is used to modify an imported TAB File(see Randomizer - Database generation engine )

The primary category usually describes the purpose of this random engine while the secondary category contains the formulas to generate the items.



Main category: This is the primary category, the engine is divided in main and secondary categories. The main could be for example "Treasure" and the secondaries could be "Treasure level 1", "treasure level 2", "treasure level 3" etc.   

Secondary category: For each main category there is many secondary categories so when you delete a main category, all the secondaries are deleted too. There is a special secondary category name START. When this one is selected, the engine will randomly select a formula from all the secondary categories available.

Formulas:  For each secondary category, there is a formula attached to it that will decide what and how to generate the data(see Randomizer - Database generation engine topic).

Zap this category: Use this button with care as it will permanently delete the selected category and all attached secondary category from the database.

Test generate button: Hit this button to launch the generator engine, it will use the selected categories/formulas and display the results.

Import new generator table: This button will import a text file(.tab) containing predefined formulas and categories into the main engine tables(see Randomizer - Database generation engine topic)

Updating the engine

1- Select a primary category, then select a secondary category. The formula for this category will appear in the Grid control

 2- Update the formula by following the same rules described in the Randomizer - Database generation engine topic.